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While there are many dangerous volcanoes, there are also some very interesting ones that have been active within these few weeks as talked about below. Currently there are 14 volcanoes that have been erupting for a while and the data has been recorded. These volcanoes are situated in several different places around the world, including Papua New Guinea, USA, México, Indonesia, Russia, Guatemala, Colombia, Peru, and Costa Rica.
Recently there has been five newly active volcanoes around the world.
They are: Manam, Nevados de Chillan, Etna, Bezymianny, and Chirinkotan. Manam is located in Papua New Guinea and has recently erupted on March 21. This volcano
spewed ash. Nevados de Chillan erupted through the days of March 15-17. This volcano poured a gas and ash cloud into the air. On March 15 Mt. Etna poured lava onto the earth. On March 16 there was an explosion that lifted currents of lava flow onto snow on the ground. Several people were injured. The volcano Chirinkotan erupted on March 21 and constructed an ash plume. Finally the volcano Bezymianny erupted throuugh March 10 -17. Gas and steam flumes were shot out.
Mt. Etna, a natural volcano is active right now and is located in Italy, on the world map as 37.7510° N, 14.9934° E. On the early morning of March 15th lava had begun to flow down the South flank of Mt. Etna’s SEC (South East Crater), in the evening the eruptive activity and seismicity had diminished gradually calming down until around midnight of that same day a new flow of lava had started from a vent on the Southern flank of Mt. Etna’s cone. Next day, March 16th at 1243 a phreato-magmatic explosion had started at the front of a lava flow, later it had made contact with a small area of snow. The explosive activity has injured so far 11 people including an INGV-Osservatorio Etneo volcanologist. ( Information taken from Global Volcanism Program, 2017. Report on Etna (Italy). In: Sennert, S K (ed.), Weekly Volcanic Activity Report, 15 March-21 March 2017. Smithsonian Institution and US Geological Survey. )
Nevados de Chillan
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